Carretera Austral Day #13 Tortel to Rio Resbalon
January 10, 2020 Tortel to Rio Resbalon 82.09 km Ride Time: 8:55:00 Pedal Time: 6:29:16 Tour Total Pedaled 1107.86 km I slept reasonably well at Tortel Camping hemmed in between three other tents on a wooden platform situated above a stream. There was a canopy above us that kept our equipment reasonably dry. It wasn’t raining at 7:30am when I awoke. I packed my tent before the others got up to create some space. I put on fresh underwear and clean socks and then packed my panniers. I transported my bags followed by my bike in two trips up the hundred or so stairs to the kiosk at roadside. I was ready to go by 8:47am. Caleta Tortel is a labyrinth of slippery wooden stairs, boardwalks, and planks that connect the town’s buildings to the sea and the road above. It’s tucked into a deep fjiord where the mountains meet the Pacific. It was cold and drizzling and we were looking for food. Everything was closed. One place wasn’t quite open yet, and told us to come back in an hour, s...